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PSAC NCR would like to take this opportunity to thank our regional committees for their efforts in organizing a successful Human Rights Day Award Ceremony. The PSAC is very proud of our recipients who have demonstrated leadership and commitment in the area of human rights. We would like to thank the following recipients for their efforts and continued dedication to the advancement of equality, fairness and justice for the lives all Canadians.

Fighting for change in my workplace and my community


We all have a role to play in ensuring our workplaces are supportive of everyone. Many people who are trans (have a gender identity that differs from the sex they were assigned at birth) and/or non-binary (do not identify with a binary gender of man or woman) experience harassment, discrimination and exclusion in the workplace.

Please see our guide and tips for trans-inclusive workplaces. 

Member Profile (November 2018)

Jim Prowse, recently retired union activist, National Gallery of Canada

“I joined PSAC when I started at the gallery in 1992. I worked in a variety of technical areas, including lighting, packing, and installing artwork, both at the gallery and across the country as a Travelling Technician.

Election to Alternate REVP-NCR position

PSAC is conducting an election for a new Alternate Regional Executive Vice-President for the NCR.

The following nominations for the position of PSAC Alternate Regional Executive Vice-President, NCR were received by the deadline of November 15, 2018. PSAC has verified these nominations to ensure that they are in good order.

The declared candidates are (listed in order of the receipt of their nomination):

1.            Alex Silas
