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PSAC-NCR recently filed for conciliation for its bargaining unit at Communications Security Establishment (CSE) as negotiations between the Union Bargaining team and CSE Management reached impasse on June 28th, more than five months after bargaining commenced.

From the outset of negotiations, the union bargaining team sought improvements to key provisions in the collective agreement, including some that the union has fought to address in previous rounds. Instead of finding a resolution to these long standing issues, the Employer, based on TB mandate, rejected our proposals for: 

What is your role (s) in the union? 

I am currently the President of my UTE Local, Chair of the PSAC Regional Health & Safety Committee (HSC) and the Employee Co-chair of my Local HSC. I’ve been an active union leader for about seven years and one common thread in all my roles is that I become a conduit between the members and management.  

When did you first get involved and why?   

The Young Workers’ Committee of PSAC in the NCR is campaigning to address precarious work. By filling out this survey, you can help us learn more about precarious work that will inform our campaign. You will also be eligible to win a special PSAC prize package. Thank you for your support. 


What is your role in the union?

Fall Update

✓ Committee with all Building’s Management and Unions

✓ Upgrading of air units to increase air quality including pilot project of 15 air purifiers in targeted areas identified by workers

✓ Purchase of air filtration units to be distributed on member’s needs as an additional measure to increase air quality at work

✓ Upgrading of the lighting and ventilation systems
