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What is your role in the union?

I was elected as a Steward for the local 70712 at our last Annual General Meeting in 2019. I started as a building contact for my local, and then became a building representative, and I am now a Steward.  I see my role as being a point of contact for PSAC members, ensuring members in my building are up-to-date with PSAC and local activities, and representing them on first level grievances.  As a worker, I am a full-time Chemistry Technologist at the National Wildlife Research Center at Carleton University

What is your role (s) in the union?

I was recently elected President of Directly Chartered Local 73100 (DCL) for the Salvation Army Booth Centre on October 22, 2019. 

When did you first get involved and why?

January 21, 2019 marked the first meeting of PSAC’s Gender Equity Task Force. The Task Force, chaired by Ontario REVP Sharon DeSousa, originated from a meeting of the National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) in December 2017. The NHRC women’s working group put forward a recommendation to strike a task force charged with examining equity representation within the union on all leadership bodies and develop proposals to increase women’s participation throughout PSAC, and in all areas of union activity.

Find out more here:


-What is your role (s) in the union?

I’ve had several roles in the union including Local Shop Steward, Local Secretary Treasurer and I currently serve as the President of Local 70603.

As part of my work on the NCR Regional Council and Committees, I was elected to the Finance Committee from 2018 to 2019. I have also participated in the Ottawa Area Council (OAC) as a delegate throughout the past 5 years and I am currently serving my second year as an elected director to the OAC. I additionally sit on the PSAC-NCR Health and Safety Committee as a delegate.

What is your role (s) in the union?

I am the interim Present of Local 70041 of the Union of Safety and Justice Employees.

When did you first get involved and why?
