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Bill C-377

* Status: Bill received Royal Assent in June 2015 *


Bill C-377 is a private members' bill that will force every union, every union local, every local labour council, every federation of labour and the Canadian Labour Congress to file intrusive financial reports that will be posted on a public website for every employer to see. PSAC believes that Bill C-377 is discriminatory and unconstitutional and is working with the Canadian Labour Congress to fight against it.

Jump to Background »

Take Action: Write your MP!

The Canadian Labour Congress has launched a national online e-mail action and it's crucial that all members take part in this.

PSAC in the Media

Larry Rousseau, PSAC NCR Regional Executive Vice President, in the Huffington Post »

What Legal Experts Are Saying

Canadian Bar Association letter to House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance (September 2012) »

Privacy Commissioner statement at House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance on Bill C-377 (November 2012) »

Privacy Commissioner statement at Senate Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce (May 2013) »

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans analysis on Bill C-377 »

Bill C-377: An invasion of privacy and attack on dissent (Toronto Star, October 2012) »


Bill C-377 would require all unions and each of their locals, area councils, etc. to disclose detailed financial information, salaries, supplier contracts, loans, accounts receivables, investments, and spending on organizing, collective bargaining, education and training, lobbying and all political activities. 

The requirements are so detailed and so broad that the Canadian Labour Congress estimates that it will take the average local union 200 to 400 hours annually to prepare the returns at significant cost to local unions' treasuries. This Bill singles out labour organizations only; the Bill does not apply any other dues deducting professional organizations.

The bill would also invade the personal privacy of individual Canadians and is likely unconstitutional. Indeed, Canada’s federal Privacy Commissioner (see above) also said that the bill would invade personal privacy and overreaches in its intent. 

The Bill is being supported by such anti-union groups as the Fraser Institute, the Merit Shop Contractors and the Canadian Federation of Independent Business because they want access to this information to utilize when combatting organizing drives.

Labour Submissions to Parliamentary Committees

PSAC submission to the Senate (May 2013) »

Canadian Labour Congress submission to House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance (October 2012) »