RVAC calls on PSAC to stand in solidarity with the Black community to fight against structural racism

The NCR Racially Visible Action Committee is disappointed to learn that Mr. Amarkai Laryea stepped down from his management position as acting director of the representation and legal services branch, following concerns raised by PSAC leadership, regarding an article he wrote on microaggression he experienced, as a Black person, at the PSAC. 

Around the world people are calling for social justice and fairer more equal societies. As members of the PSAC, we expect our union to lead in this fight against racism and discrimination, with commitment to fostering a culture where everyone feels that they belong.   

We are all responsible, especially our leaders, to call out racism when we hear or see it happen.  

This news, no doubt, has shaken PSAC to its core and RVAC is hoping with this exposure, the PSAC will recognize that work needs to be done, within the PSAC, to eradicate systemic racism and create a more diverse leadership, if we want an inclusive union. 

RVAC is committed to meeting with PSAC leadership, so that we can discuss and implement strategies in reaching this goal. 

Moving forward, the PSAC must work together with its staff and the membership it serves, to heal our union. 

RVAC will be submitting to the PSAC our recommendations how we can build our union better, which will include the need for training to educate PSAC staff and members on anti-racism and unconscious bias, in hope that this is the first step, as we work together, with the PSAC, towards meaningful and lasting solutions.  

Antoine Gomis & Joanne Robinson 

Co-Chairs of the PSAC-NCR RVAC