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Chris Aylward, National President, and Magali Picard, National Executive Vice-President, hosted a series of telephone town halls on May 13th and 14th to connect with members and update them on the union's work to protect and support its members during the pandemic. 

The English audio file is here




Bargaining Update
To UNDE Local 70682 Members
Working for NPF HQ Ottawa and CFSU Ottawa (Admin only)

Amethyst Women’s Addiction Centre:  On the frontlines of a small service agency during COVID-19

By Lois Ross

For close to four years, I have worked part-time as the Community Relations Coordinator for Amethyst Women’s Addiction Centre, a feminist collective, that is unionized with PSAC and UNE, which is a component of PSAC, under Local 70400.


How has Phoenix impacted your workplace as a whole?

Phoenix has impacted a lot of the employees in my division. It’s had devastating effects. Employees become upset, depressed, stressed to the point where they cannot function, and Phoenix has caused increased sick leave since employees have difficulty coping or understanding why this is happening to them.

What kinds of impacts have you seen/heard it have on people?

On this page you will find links to the webinars presented by the PSAC-NCR during the COVID-19 pandemic.


- Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations - December 10

Here's the link to watch the video of the webinar: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/5271106434113337868
