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June is the time for all of us to celebrate National Indigenous History Month.  It’s the time to pay tribute to the history, heritage and diversity of Indigenous peoples in Canada.

National Indigenous History Month is a time for familiarizing and understanding Indigenous culture, while also recognizing the important role that First Nations, Métis and Inuit played in the establishment of Canada.

Although during these times we may not be able to be together, we can still share stories, history and culture in many ways that keep us connected.

PSAC wins federal assistance for museum workers

For immediate release

Join us June 22, 2020 at 7:00 pm for the all-candidate debate for the position of Alternate REVP, NCR, via webinar.

The debate will be hosted by the National Executive Vicre-President, Magali Picard, please send your debate questions to: REVPelectionsVPER@psac-afpc.com.

Nominations were received by close of the nomination period, June 17, 2020, and determined to be in order, here are your candidates:

1. Chantal Fortin – nominated by Carla Ross, seconded by Lee Pallotta.

This week, PSAC reached an agreement with Ingenium to prevent layoffs and pay cuts for national museum workers. Unfortunately, a CBC article published June 17 misrepresents the facts in the memorandum of understanding (MOU) that PSAC worked hard to secure for its members.

We intend to set the record straight.
