UTE - Bargaining Information Sessions (5 sessions)

Come meet a member of our bargaining team!

In early March talks between CRA and PSAC broke down during mediation. CRA has since filed for a Public Interest Commission.  Our bargaining team and our union are determined to achieving a fair contract, one that protects our hard fought gains and provides new rights and protections for UTE/PSAC members at CRA.

Come and meet a member of the bargaining team and hear firsthand what’s going on at the bargaining table, ask questions and find out how you can help support your bargaining team!





April 16th

Delta Ottawa City Center

101 Lyon Street North

Ottawa, ON  K1R 5T9



  • 3:15  to  4:00
  • 4:00  to  4:45
  • 4:45  to  5:30
  • 5:30  to  6:15
  • 6:15  to  7:00

April 22nd

RA Center

2451, Riverside Drive

Ottawa, ON  K1H 7X7



  • 3:15  to  4:00
  • 4:00  to  4:45
  • 4:45  to  5:30
  • 5:30  to  6:15
  • 6:15  to  7:00

April 23rd



Café Univers (adjacent to CRA building), 2204 Walkley Road

Ottawa, ON  K1A 1A8



  • 3:15  to  4:00
  • 4:00  to  4:45
  • 4:45  to  5:30
  • 5:30  to  6:15

April 24th

Ottawa Conference and Event Center (Hampton Inn)

200 Coventry  Road

Ottawa, ON   K1K 4S3



  • 3:15  to  4:00
  • 4:00  to  4:45
  • 4:45  to  5:30
  • 5:30  to  6:15
  • 6:15  to  7:00

May 27th

Centre des Chevaliers de Colomb

635 La Gappe Bldv.

Gatineau, QC  J9R 1T8

  • 3:15  to  4:00
  • 4:00  to  4:45
  • 4:45  to  5:30
  • 5:30  to  6:15
  • 6:15  to  7:00 