After negotiations, members working at the Unitarian Services Committee of Canada ratified their new collective agreement on February 19, 2019.
Marta Monaghan, local president, says: “We are pleased with the new wage increase provisions. And we’re also proud to have achieved leave for victims of domestic violence. Ensuring this new leave will set a standard and help other bargaining units win this as part of their collective agreement.”
Highlights include:
- Wage increases, as of May 2018- 1.8% and as of May 2019 and May 2020 respectively, 1.5 % or at the rate of the Ontario Consumer Price Index if higher (CPI 2.4% for second year and projected at 2.1% for third year)
- 1 week additional vacation leave for members with less than 6 years of seniority (all members will now start with 4 weeks of vacation)
- Members no longer need to choose between severance and recall rights, improvements to layoff language so no temporary layoffs
- 2 weeks of domestic violence leave along with additional workplace supports
- Extended maternity and parental leave with increased allowance maximum from $50k to $60k of salary coverage and no longer need to pay back if you leave
- New telework language
- Stronger harassment & discrimination language (inclusion of political affiliation, gender ID, etc.)
- Extended grievance timelines & unlimited timelines for harassment, discrimination and violence
- Improvements to sick leave (broaden scope & no sick notes)
- Improvements to seniority, joint consultation, bereavement and employee files
- Travel expenses language that protects members from being out of pocket for travel expenses and a commitment from USC to provide a per diem based on the Treasury Board Travel Directive
- Jet lag day included in collective agreement