Regional Council Delegate Registration Form - Fall 2021

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Delegate Information
Certification | Credentials
Please indicate the governing body that you are representing, the approval from that governing body and your alternate in case you are not able to attend.

Note the Corresponding Governing Bodies and Approvals for each Credentials/Certificate:

Credentials / Certification

Governing Body

Confirmation of Approval per Bylaws

Alternative REVP-NCR

NCRC Executive


Comité régional des femmes francophone (CRFF)

NCR RWF Committee

Committee Chair / Co-Chair

Communications Committee (CC)

NCR Communications Committee

Committee Chair / Co-Chair

Conseil régional d'action politique de l'Outaouais (CRAPO)

NCR Outaouais Political Action Area Council

Area Council Chair / Co-Chair

Directly Chartered Local Committee (DCLC)

NCR DCL Committee

Committee Chair / Co-Chair

Education Committee (EC)

NCR Education Committee

Committee Chair / Co-Chair

Health and Safety Committee (HSC)

NCR HS Committee

Committee Chair / Co-Chair

Indigenous Action Circle (IAC)

NCR IA Circle

Circle Chair / Co-Chair

Local Member Mandated to represent Local


Local President

Local President


Local President

Members -at-Large



Members with Disabilities Action Cmtee (MDAC)

NCR MDA Committee

Committee Chair / Co-Chair

NCR Component Regional Officer


Component President

NCRC Executive Member

NCRC Executive


Ottawa Area Council (OAC)

NCR Ottawa Area Council

Area Council Chair / Co-Chair

Ottawa Regional Women's Cmtee (ORWC)

NCR ORW Committee

Committee Chair / Co-Chair

Pride (PC)

NCR Pride Committee

Committee Chair / Co-Chair

Racially Visible Action Cmtee (RVAC)

NCR RVA Committee

Committee Chair / Co-Chair

Representative for component without NCR regional officers (only one delegate)


Component President

Separate Employer Representative (SER)

NCRC SE Representative


Young Workers Committee

NCR YW Committee

Committee Chair / Co-Chair

Confirmation of Approval
Approval of your registration as delegate is determined per the bylaws of your governing body and the PSAC Consitution. It is possible that your governing body must hold a vote.
Alternate participant
In the event that you are unable to attend at the last minute, you may identify an alternate representative to fill your seat.
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