Present : Jenn Y, Isabelle, Jacques, François
Stephanie Penwarden Reg. Rep
- Minutes from January 10, 2012 / Procès verbaux du 10 janvier 2012
M / S Isabelle / François Carried with amendments
- Pride Dev’t Day (Ian Capstick) / Journée développement professionel
Larry will communicate with Ian Capstick to set up a “Where are we headed” workshop for the Pride members
- Varia / Autre
Isabelle met with Larry Rousseau, REVP and discussed the direction that Pride would go this year. She is looking at setting up a Pride Facebook page which would not be just for PSAC, but a grass roots campaign. It will be in both languages and you communicate in your language of choice.
Some ideas which Pride may wish to work on are:
- workshop on how to react when your child comes out
- attend the AGMs of various locals to discuss the various committees and specifically Pride
- participate in grassroots activiites
- hand out flowers on May 17 with the Pride web site address
M / S Isabelle / Jacques that a maximum of $500.00 be spent on the flowers and promotional items for May 17