Present : Jenn Y, Isabelle, Jacques, François

Stephanie Penwarden Reg. Rep

  1. Minutes from January 10, 2012 / Procès verbaux du 10 janvier 2012

M / S Isabelle / François Carried with amendments 

  1. Pride Dev’t Day (Ian Capstick) / Journée développement professionel

Larry will communicate with Ian Capstick to set up a “Where are we headed” workshop for the Pride members

  1. Varia / Autre

Isabelle met with Larry Rousseau, REVP and discussed the direction that Pride would go this year. She is looking at setting up a Pride Facebook page which would not be just for PSAC, but a grass roots campaign. It will be in both languages and you communicate in your language of choice. 

Some ideas which Pride may wish to work on are:

  1. workshop on how to react when your child comes out
  2. attend the AGMs of various locals to discuss the various committees and specifically Pride
  3. participate in grassroots activiites
  4. hand out flowers on May 17 with the Pride web site address

M / S Isabelle / Jacques that a maximum of $500.00 be spent on the flowers and promotional items for May 17


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