Members Weigh in on PSAC’s Proposal to Treasury Board for a 3.75% Wage Increase

Members Weigh in on PSAC’s Proposal to Treasury Board for a 3.75% Wage Increase


Greg McGillis, REVP for the PSAC-NCR:

"This is a reasonable demand for public servants who have waited too long, suffered courageously and still face uncertainty. No amount could make up for the negligence of the employer in implementing Phoenix. But a fair wage package is a start toward healing and the acknowledgement.”


What a 3.75% wage increase would mean to me…

“This would give me more faith in the government, and demonstrate that both sides working hard to address the gaps caused by Phoenix, which personally affected me, and still is. I have never taken a vacation with my family, and if we received a wage increase I would be able to for the first time.”

Annie Noël, Health Canada Employee, Member of PSAC


What a 3.75% wage increase would mean to me…

“This would mean a difference for my family, especially with the rising costs of daycare - and more support for your kids is what it comes down to. When you are a parent, the priority is your children.

Raynold Leroy, Global Affairs Canada Employee, PSAC member 


For more details, see PSAC’s proposal with additional improvements.