What are your current role(s) in the union? Where do you work/what do you do?
I am a Table games dealer at the Hard Rock Casino, shop steward, certified Joint Health and Safety Rep and President of Local 71201. I was also part of the bargaining team.
When did you first get involved in the union?
I became a shop steward in the summer of 2015 and H&S Rep in November of the same year. I became Secretary in October 2016 and became President in 2017 as Laura Perry, our previous President resigned.
What is the most exciting or rewarding experience (s) about being involved in the union?
The most rewarding thing is actually helping out our members and making work a better place.
What was the most important achievement you’ve been a part of? Or goals you’d like to meet?
I feel that the most important thing I have been part of, was being on the bargaining team with Geoff Griffiths and Brian Lancaster. We made a great deal of progress and I think we made great strides in securing language that will make life better for our members.
What would you say to others who are thinking about getting involved?
I would encourage everyone to get involved in the Union. There are numerous educational opportunities, interesting and important conferences and most of all, members would be helping their colleagues and helping to improve the workplace.