Heat is On Campaign January and February 2019 Updates

Action Reports:

-January we held a plant-gate and action on Sparks street to keep the pressure on. Read the recap here.

-Members Paul Paquette (Vice-President of GSU Local 70023 at the affected plant) and Alex Silas (Alternate Regional Executive Vice-President) appeared before The Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates to state our case. Listen to them here.

Meeting Reports:

-After repeatedly being refused a meeting with Liberal Minister McKenna, we finally secured one through media pressure. At the meeting, the Minister made no commitment to support our campaign but agreed to follow up on our questions. Our meeting was led by Greg McGillis (Regional Executive Vice-President), and Paul Paquette (Local VP).

-Local 70023 president Norm Lariviere (at the affected plant), met with NDP MP Tracey Ramsey and earned her support on the campaign.

-Greg McGills (REVP), Paul Paquette (Local VP), and Randy Howard (GSU National President) met with Senator Harder about the campaign.

-Greg McGillis (REVP), Norm Lariviere (local president), Paul Paquette (Local VP), and Randy Howard (GSU National President) met with the Ottawa Riverkeeper, allies, to discuss the potential environmental issues with the proposed plan.  

For more information on the campaign check out: heatison.ca