Sisters from the Ottawa Regional Women’s Committee (ORWC) attended the vigil for PSAC member Donna Jones to honour her memory and lend their support to ending violence against women. Sister Donna Jones was a compensation advisor and PSAC Member of the Agriculture Union, Local 70067, who lost her life as a result of domestic violence. On June 25th, the day of sentencing for this crime, her friends, colleagues, and family met at Minto Park to offer ideas on how to help others in domestic abuse situations, as well as honour Donna’s life and begin healing.
Former ORWC member and current President of Local 70067, Marlene O'Neil, was a key vigil organizer. Sister O'Neil was quoted as saying:
“If love could have saved her, she never would have died. Everybody tried, everybody questioned, ‘Is there any more we could do?’ There’s nothing more they could have done.”
This is certainly true in Donna's case but there's a lot we need to do as a community to strive towards a world where world where women can live without fear.