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Indigenous Action Circle

We seek to assist the PSAC, the National Capital Regional Council (NCRC) and the Locals that compromise the council in carrying out the actions outlined in the PSAC Statement of Principles on Aboriginal Peoples’ Rights.

When we meet

There is a meeting in the region at 5:30 at 233 Gilmour, in the Ottawa regional office Pat McGrath Room every fourth Wednesday of the month.

Current representatives

Co-Chair: Les Maiczan - MaiczaL@psac-afpc.com
Co-Chair: Vacant
Secretary: Alan Craig
Treasurer: Toni Mathews - tonipres012@gmail.com
Representative to the National Human Rights Committee: Les Maiczan - MaiczaL@psac-afpc.com
NCR Female Representative to the National Aboriginal Peoples Circle: Linda Delaney – lindadelaney600@yahoo.ca
NCR Male Representative to the National Aboriginal Peoples Circle: Tony Nicolas – fallen_angel@rogers.com


Terms of reference

Current Aboriginal Action Circle Terms of Reference


December 22, 2014 - 2:29pm •
An incident occurred recently which le! me feeling sick at heart. I was at an event, there to offer words of encouragement and acknowledgement for people being honoured for their good work and as well to offer words of prayer, a request to Creator for all to go well. Before things got rolling, a man approached me from the audience and said, “Hey chief, how are you doing?” I immediately told him not to call me ‘chief’. I further stated, “I am not a chief, call me ‘chief’ again and you and I are going to have a major problem on our hands.”
September 27, 2014 - 9:54am •
April 10, 2014 - 3:01pm •
April 3, 2014 - 9:28am •


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