Minutes of RVAC Meeting - 20 January 2011

Minutes of RVAC Meeting

20 January 2011



In attendance:                                                             

Junelle Augustin                                    Imma Adonice                                     

PauletteBarker                                      Marie-Françoise Bertrand                    

Zelma Buckley                          Michael Clement                                  

Doreen Grant-Thompson                      Carl Laguerre              

Effie McLeod                                      Eugene Omboli

Larry Rousseau                                    Ginette Thony                                                             




Gabe Nicholas                                      Debbie Thomas


Resource Person                                  Hassan Husseini


Meeting called to order by Brother Carl Laguerre.  A round-table introduction was done and our new Resource person Brother Husseini was introduced.


Adoption of the Agenda was motioned and seconded by Effie McLeod /Larry Rousseau.


Adoption of the Minutes with amendments was motioned and seconded by Ginette Thony/Marie-Françoise Bertrand.  Sister Adonice wanted it to be noted that she was not agreeing with local representation by RVAC but rather visits by invitation from locals.  Also, this AGM minutes will be tabled for AGM 2012.


Business arising from the Minutes:

RVAC Financial Statement 2010

The Chairperson explained that we don’t know our balance as yet.  A request was made for our financial report to be more condensed and presentable; in its present form all charges are put together making it appears that all the committee does is eat.  The year 2010 was a very busy one with different projects and many meetings but the report still does not separate the activities.


The 2010 Activity Report was provided; members were advised that we had to submit to the Regional Office by the deadline to ensure translation for the upcoming Council AGM and to obtain our 2011 funding.  It was agreed that the report was good and reflects the activities undertaken for the year.



As discussed at the December meeting these are the resolutions that were submitted on December 17th for the Racially Visible Members Conference:


1.         National Network for Racially Visible Members

2.         Employment Equity for Racially Visible Members

3.         Human Rights Action Plans

4.         Racially Visible Vice-President Position

5.         Proactive Adoption by PSAC of the Human Rights Maturity Model as a Leading Employer of Choice

6.         Support of Component and Local Human Rights Committees

7.         Policy Grievance Against Abusive Application of Management Expectations Without Guidelines

8.         Youth Leadership Active Rejuvenation Initiative



They were received by the PSAC however, in accordance with the Call Letter, we are limited to 5; as a result, we had to make a decision on which 3 to withdraw.  Therefore, the 3 that was added and approved at the December meeting was withdrawn.  Members were advised to submit them from their locals to the Regional Convention and their Component Conventions seeing that RVAC will be limited to the same 5 for Regional Convention.  Members should also try to submit some of the other five from their locals to their Component Conventions and other conferences to give them a better chance of getting to the PSAC Triennial Convention.  Some members have already promised to submit from their locals the 3 that had to be withdrawn.


RVAC By-Laws

Recently questions were asked about the By-Laws that are posted on the NCR Web site and some questions have been raised in terms of the Committee’s mandate.  The latest version was located and sent out to the membership.  Brother Laguerre gave a brief explanation of the mandate and suggested that we all read the By-Laws and come back prepared to revise and update at the next meeting.  This will be discussed under Business arising from the minutes and will likely take almost the length of the meeting.  Brother Omboli mentioned that we were not going by the Mandate.


Sister Ginette advised that they are trying to organize a workplace EE Committee in her local and they invited her to participate.  She was advised to participate and Sister Paulette explained a bit about her component Human Rights structure and how we manage to coordinate with the Advisory Group.  As a result the NCR locals were invited to participate at the upcoming Black History Month event in February.


RVAC Budget 2011

It was verified that there is a line item of $250.00 for Clean Water in Africa; this is a project that RVAC supports on an annual basis.  The question was also asked regarding why we give to CKCU Radio; Sister Paulette explained that we support them because they do promotion for us whenever we are having an activity and request it.



The Chair was handed over to BrotherHusseini to conduct the elections; he explained the process and advised that all positions on the Executive were up for elections and that nominations would be made from the floor unless we have a Nominations Committee; he also advised that if there was more than one candidate for a position voting would be done by secret ballot.


Carl Laguerre and Marie-Françoise Bertrand nominated Zelma Buckleyfor the position of female Co-chair; there were no other nominations and Zelma was acclaimed.


For the position of Male Co-chair:

Paulette Barker and Eugene Omboli nominated Michael Clement.

Michael Clement and Junelle Augustin nominated Eugene Omboli.

Larry Rousseau and Effie McLeod nominated Carl Laguerre.

Michael and Eugene declined and Carl was acclaimed.


For the position of Vice President/Communications:

Carl Laguerre and Ginette Thony nominated Marie-Françoise Bertrand.

Michael Clement and Junelle Augustin nominated Eugene Omboli.

Eugene declined and Marie-Françoise was acclaimed.


For the position of Treasurer:

Paulette Barker and Larry Rousseau nominated Ginette Thony.

Junelle Augustin and Eugene nominated Imma Adonice.

Imma declined and Ginette was acclaimed.


For the position of Secretary:

Larry Rousseau and Ginette Thony nominated Effie McLeod.

Michael Clement and Imman Adonice nominated Junelle Augustin.

Eugene Omboli and Imma Adonice nominated Doreen Grant-Thompson

Junelle and Doreen declined and Effie was acclaimed.


Elections were closed with all positions on the Executive filled.


Upcoming Events:

Deadline for applications to the Racially Visible Conference was December 17th; over 400 applications have been received but apparently not many resolutions.  A request was made to ensure that as the only RV Committee in the region RVAC will be involved in the Selection Process.


There will be many activities in the region for this year’s Black History Month (BHM) seeing that the United Nations has declared 2011 to be International Year for people of African decent.  There will be one event for Feb 11 and 12 in Orleans; notification was circulated a number of times via email.


The Ontario Federation of Labour will be holding a Workers of Colour Assembly in Toronto March 25 and 26.


The PSAC NCR Convention will be held June 3– 5; the deadline for submitting resolutions and Delegate Registration is April 1st.



Eugene mentioned the UN’s declaration of 2011 as the year of people of African decent.


Zelma spoke briefly of her department’s Black History Month event of which she is one of the organizers.


Paulette displayed a sample of RVAC’s logo and enquired of the possibility of getting a blurb for our Human Rights Event.  She also spoke about the Canadian-Jamaican Organization that she is a member of; they will be holding a fund-raising night at the races in March, tickets are $35.00/person.  To support this and one BHM event the following motion was passed.

Moved by Larry Rousseau and seconded by Ginette Thony that RVAC purchase 2 tickets for Jamaica Night at the Races and 2 for Afroculture – Le festival des Cultures.


Eugene spoke about the Youth Conference that will be held in May, deadline for registration will be announced; the email will be sent out by the REVP.


Sister Ginette requested that the Co-chairs or the Communications person send all communication to the distribution list.


There was a repeated request to have the fin statements cleaned up so that it does not appear as if all the committee does is eat.


With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned; the motion was made by Carl Laguerre and seconded Paulette Barker.